Creating an SMS campaign with Carts Guru is simple and effective. We give businesses the ability to send personalized SMS messages on customizable templates. You will also be able to send the text from your brand name (unless you send them from the U.S or Canada), as opposed to an unknown phone number, and have them arrive at an appropriate time regardless of where in the world your customer is.
To create your own Carts Guru SMS campaign, follow this process:
1. Create a list - go to lists and decide if your list will be dynamic or static. A dynamic list is constantly updating when new customers meet the set out criteria whereas a static list needs to be updated manually. Either type of list can be used in an SMS campaign - it just depends on the purpose of your campaign.
2. Create a template - after creating the list, it’s time to build your template. Click templates > add template > SMS > then name your template and select the base content that closest matches the purpose of your campaign.
3. Customize your template - there are many aspects of the SMS template that can be customized. First, you can write the message you would like to send your customers. You can insert ‘tags’ into this message such as the customer's name, details about a product, or a discount code (which you create separately in the coupons section). You can also customize the language of your template and the template name. Note that your message can only be a maximum of 160 characters, so keep it concise.
4. Build a campaign - to begin, click ‘campaigns’ then add campaign. Then you need to name your campaign and set a goal. The way you choose to build your campaign is up to you and depends entirely on what the purpose of your campaign is. Once you have built your ideal campaign, add the list you created before and click save!
5. Design a workflow - after saving the campaign, you will see the workflow page where you can start your customer's journey. People often worry about SMS campaigns pestering their potential customers, so you can use things like ‘delays’ or ‘conditions’ to ensure that this doesn’t happen. Within the workflow, you can add the template(s) you created earlier, and fully customize when and how often you want messages to be sent, and to whom.
Once your workflow is complete you are ready to launch your SMS campaign!
PS - It’s easy to make last minute edits to any of your messaging templates without leaving the workflow.
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