Account Management
Find out more about consumption limitations and the way our pricing works. 💳
Billing & Pricing
- [ES] ¿Qué ocurre si utilizo todos mis contactos activos y créditos de correo electrónico durante mi ciclo de facturación?
- [FR] Que se passe-t-il si j'utilise tous mes contacts actifs et crédits emails pendant mon cycle de facturation ?
- How much does Carts Guru cost?
- What is an active contact?
- I have reached my Carts Guru Messages Cap. What does it mean?
- What if a contact’s email address bounces or can’t be delivered?
SMS management
- [ES] ¿Cómo agregar crédito de SMS a mi cuenta?
- [FR] Comment ajouter du crédit SMS à mon compte ?
- Carts Guru Global pricing for SMS delivery
- How do I add SMS credit to my account?
- What happens if my Carts Guru SMS balance reaches zero?
- What is considered 'prohibited content' and illegal to send in SMS messages?